
2014 - Day 31 - Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

2014 - Day 30 -

A more finished version of a 10 minute sketch where the topics were pulled from a hat. 

This topic is "robots spellcasting"


2014 - Day 28 -

2014 - Day 27 -

It's one of those days when where I don't know what to draw I just do Kenshin fan art. So here's a WIP of something I'll finish later.



2014 - Day 19 -

Not really anywhere near finished. Might go into more detail another time, but we'll see.


2014 - Day 18 -

Fan Art from Rurouni Kenshin. Hajime Saitou, Gatotsu Zeroshiki!


2014 - Day 9 -

Sort of an alt-universe look at my DnD character Levin, had he never had pivotal events happen that would lead to him becoming an adventurer.

2014 - Day 8 -

A WIP sorta deal here. Most likely will come back to finish this later.


2014 - Day 7 -

Some fan-art of Wii Fit Trainer. I'm loving the new smash bros! 


2014 - Day 4 -

Had some fun with this one. I'll make a less lazy foreground element later. I definitely want to come back to this one.


OctoberSketch 2014 - Day 1

Octobersketch 2014!!! Let the art begin!! Thought I'd start the month with a bit of digital life drawing. Make sure you check out all the art at the octobersketch blog!